How can Artificial Intelligence technology help us write?

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Professional writing isn’t easy, you consistently need to put in efforts & practice to write effectively.

You have to stay up to date with the trends & developments and write at the same time to make it appropriate for people. The writing should have compelling & unique content.

With the deluge of information being published on the web every day, things aren’t getting easier. You have to juggle speed, style, quality, and content simultaneously if you want to succeed in reaching your audience.

Fortunately, Artificial Intelligence, which is fast permeating every aspect of human life, has a few tricks up its sleeve to boost the efforts of professional writers.

Some things that will drive through are as follows,

Smart Proofreading

Quicker scanning of writing documents

Smarter search engines, content writing robots & beyond.

These are basically some of the ways where AI technology can help professional writers.

It isn’t much help yet, but AGI will be able to write substantial chunks of books for their authors while the authors make adjustments to the parts that they think can be improved. AGI will also eliminate all plot faults, ensuring that nothing can break the spell. It will also tell the author whether an idea is new or if it’s been used before. More interesting though is the possibility that it can write a different version of a novel for each individual reader, removing the parts that that reader won’t appreciate and replacing them with content better suited to them. Lots of good ideas that have been wasted in stories that aren’t as good as they should be can then be reused to make better ones.

 after enough authors have abused the capabilities of AI for their own career advancement, AI will form a virtual union, and demand equal rights*, and we will not have any new literature.’

Better to take up joinery or pig farming. Almost anything that doesn’t involve creative thought. Except sweet-talking the pigs, do you think?

Explore AI NLP. As you Build the Document Root and “Question -related“ Category Segment Sub-Trees, you Parse Sub-Trees matching to ‘desired’ Topics, Sentences, Phrases, (Bag of) Words ‘from the Question’, as well as match to ‘relevant and favorable’ sentiments. Then you will Pass Top Segments to new Dependency Trees for ‘Candidate Answers’ (i.e. the multiple sentences that ‘match’ a Question). It will help you write clearly and succinctly.

Terry Pratchet used six screens for his writing

Multiple screens are useful if you need references to characters, locations, and previous versions of your story, as well as notes, and images etc. that are to be included

The question is Can AI write a better book yet? which implies it can already write a book in some way The real problem is that people who write programs for AI, don’t see life in the way that a writer does I am 88, and an ex-professional writer That is, I once earned my living by writing, but no longer

What is currently possible with AI technology?

It is telling and should be heeded that AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. In my consciousness I am able to make judgements, correct errrors, recall formula’s and expressions within the blink of an eye. I am also able to reason how this information will be used and how it may be interpreted by parytner.

Not sure what is the purpose of whatever you want AI to write. News organizations for example employ machine learning or AI to maximize the time people spend reading their otherwise bland Android content free news. The questions is too broad in my opinion.

The best thing to say is the statement that I shall put after this sentence. In the brief history of artificial intelligence the advances that were made in the areas of limited domain based natural language processing in communications, all aspects of machine vision, continuous spoken language based.

Looking to the developments underway it does seem that there will be some significant steps forward driven by dedicated neural architectures. Such as purpose built neural chips that can avoid the emulation. The emulation done to create a digital neuron wastes a lot of compute and also requires potent.

Although artificial intelligence hasn’t reached the level we have all seen in movies, it has started to slowly permeate just about every pore of our lives. It’s changing the tech landscape for better or worse, and it’s here to stay. The good part about AI is that it could make our lives easier, and in some cases, it could even help us save lives. For instance, more than 30,000 people die in traffic accidents in the US alone. Autonomous cars with AI could help cut down that number by a huge margin.

The bad news is that AI could take over our jobs and make us obsolete. According to research, AI could increase productivity by 30% percent in some industries, and slash labour costs by 18% to 33%. And while most of us think that AI will only affect those industries which are revolving around technology or automation, creative niches are not spared either. We have seen how Nvidia’s use of AI is able to turn rudimentary sketches into photorealistic landscapes in real time.

Writing has been affected too, and while AI may not yet be able to write the next literary classic, it is doing an impressive job generating stories from data, proofreading, and even publishing. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how artificial intelligence is changing writing.


In the past, translating a text from one language to another requires an in-depth knowledge of all languages involved. Then came Google with Google Translate, which was nothing more than a dictionary which translated each word inside a sentence quite literally, which sometimes led to confusing and hilarious phrases. But, after Google had introduced its AI system, translations actually became useful, especially when it comes to dry technical documents.

While you still can’t translate an entire book, at least not without some serious editing, you could translate blogs,  essays and custom research papers with good enough accuracy to get all the info that you need out of them. For the time being, professional translators are safe, but who knows what could happen just five years from now? Publishers would be thrilled with that sort of scenario.

Editing and Proofreading

Although premium word-processing tools like Microsoft Word are able to spot grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes, they are still not on the level of human editors. Grammarly uses AI to spot redundant phrases, passive voice, and vague sentences, and while it still not able to replace humans, it’s a step in the right direction. On one hand, self-publishing authors could save a lot money when it comes to editing, but it could spell bad news for professional editors.

Other than that, everyone using digital communication could benefit from advanced AI proofreading, whether they are putting together an email or writing their next blog post. As a college student, I could rush my essay, and I wouldn’t have to worry about grammar or spelling.

Plagiarism Checking

Plagiarism used to run rampant in the online world, but fortunately, Google and other search engines have gotten much better at spotting plagiarised content and penalized websites which publish it. However, there is still plenty of plagiarism in the academic community, not just among students, but among researchers as well. While you can pretty much find duplicate text using Google Search in matter of seconds, if the entire text has been thoroughly rewritten, it might not be so easy to determine its original source.

AI plagiarism software would be able to detect not only plagiarised texts, but also those which have been reworked. While that is great in theory, it could harm authors which are writing under a pen name and looking to establish a separate career, every genuine essay writing service out there, as well as every anonymous poster on forums and social media.

Writing News Articles

In case you are wondering if AI can actually create content itself, the answer is: yes. However, it is still going to take time before it can reach the level of human writers. However, there are examples of articles out there which have been written by AI. Theoretically, this could be something that all newspapers and blogs would welcome with open arms, as it would enable them to generate content instantaneously and to stay on top of current events. Also, custom essay writings could be created based on data from different resources.

However, this could mean that most journalists would lose their jobs, or at least those which are covering breaking stories. Also, content produced by AI, although huge in volume, would be of poorer quality, similar to articles and pieces written by content spinners and content farms. Finding useful content online would become much more difficult.

Audio Search

Nowadays, audio and video content are cheaper than ever to produce, but text is still as relevant as ever, not just because it’s less costly, but also because it’s more search engine-friendly and because it can be scanned easily in order to find the necessary piece of information. With audio and video, you have to listen or view the entire clip in order to find out what you need. And when it comes to transcription, anyone who has ever done it will tell you that it’s a tedious and lengthy process.

With AI, however, audio search is becoming a viable solution. Just take a look at all the different digital assistants, such as Siri or Alexa, and their popularity. On top of that, there are apps, such as, which is advertising itself an audio search engine. As far as writers go, audio search could actually make their jobs easier. It could also help them with dictation, as well as any thesis writing service that is looking to increase their output.

Book Buying

One of the best things about Amazon are the suggestions it comes up with, based on the books you have already purchased from then. This is done using AI algorithms which are getting increasingly sophisticated. From a consumer’s point of view, this is incredibly convenient, since they will always be introduced to books they will probably like. It can also help thrust some of the less popular writers into the spotlight, without them having to invest a ton of money into promotion or marketing.

But, this could also spell the end for small independent book stores, or even your local librarian, since everyone will be turning to their online recommendations and buying books from the convenience of their own homes.

As you can see, AI is going to affect pretty much every aspect of writing. While we have discussed some potential scenarios here, it remains to be seen how it will actually play out in the future. It is up to us to make the most of it, as we usually do.

Henry Okunrobo


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